Showing posts with label #picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #picture. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 June 2017

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Coin Miner Attacks using Image File

I am here to tell about the "story of an image"...

Well, let's gooooooooo!!

Watching the picture below, what you can tel about it? Is it a simple image?

...and in the following picture?

YES!! They are the same picture, the first one is what you can see when you open it. The second one, is what you can see if you open it using for example a simple text editor.

Today I want to tell you about a malware that I discovered during my activity as researcher, malware hunter and malware Analyst.
It uses an image (JPG file) with embed a shellcode in order to infect the Linux System.

Shellcode Analysis:

Image reported above show part of image coded file and embedded shellcode in clear text.

Second line, command "crontab", is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems.

"Crontab" option "-r" is present only in some Linux distro like Debian, Centos and Redhat. I can image that this malware is focused to Linux distro quoted above.

Third line of shellcode get seconds and transform them in days from 1970, then store them in a variable named"days". 
Sum the value 983 to "days" variable and assign this value to variable named"days2".
Then "days" variable will have the first 10 elements of MD5's digest of  "days2" .

Into shellcode's snippet reported below it is listing processes and concatenate other commands like xargs and awk.
The last one searches files that have text that match the pattern, when a line or text matches, awk performs a specific action on that line/text. In this case concatenating "print $2", it return the second item (proces' ID) and then kill it.

Using command "pkill -f", shellcode kills processes which matches the pattern for any part of the command line

This shellcode's snippet is used to kill any others miner that had infected the machine, in order to be the only one to use it.

"DoMiner" function using Curl command download into "tmp" folder a file image JPG named "car-498167.jpg" from website  "imagehousing[dot]com" and rename this image with "days" variable's value.

Then skips the first 2931 byte and save it again.
After this task file's permission is changed with execution privileges and in the end it use "nohup" command line-utility which allows to run command/process or shell script that can continue running in the background after you logout from a shell.
Sleep and then remove everyone file with name "days" and "daybefore".

NOTE: No part of source code file named "daybefore.jpg" has been created. Only a variable was created using this name.
Why put this shellcode line? Are there typographical error?

Carry on downloading image file "car-498167.jpg" using browser. It looks like the first one.

A quick analysis shows that it doesn't contains evil shellcode or evil artifacts, but I discovered a very interesting information.

As you can read, it is packed with UPX packer, version 3.91. 

I create a bash script in order execute it in debug mode, download image and skip 2931 byte as wrote into source code.

Below you can see my bash script and its result in terms of files.

Note: "12days" and "13days" are names that personally I decided to appoint to this images.

Above you can see both file, the first one (the image file) and the second one (executable file) that is the first one without 2931 bytes. Below you can take a look to the files size.

I used UPX packer to unpack ELF file. Below is reported a screenshot that contains details (format, compression ration, actual and future file size) about ELF executable file.

Now it's time to unpack ELF executable file

Below are reported details about ELF's file.

Shellcode In-depth Analysis:

Working on it and downloading "car-498167.jpg" image I noted that server returns a different image based on "User Agent".
The attacker can return the right file only if the system is x64 and is one of Linux distro reported above.
If it seems incredible take a look to the screenshot reported below. Request was made with Slackware distro.

Analyzing shellcode my attention was attract from string like the follow:

It is not a string base64 encrypted, what of it?

I retrieved a pastebin file where was present part of this shellcode, where I found the same strings.

As you can see, in this shellcode's snippet, if doesn't exist a file named "AnXqV" "Minerd CryptoCurrency" it is going to download and save into "tmp" folder with file named "AnXqV".
Then execution permission is assigned to this file.
At the end a command named "cryptonight" is running.

NOTE: CryptoNight is a proof-of-work algorithm. It is designed to miner bitcoin and to be suitable for ordinary PC CPUs.

According with handbooks every miner use a different command's format. In case reported above 
command "-a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://URL:PORT -u WALLET_ADDRESS -p x" is used to run miner. So, string "4Ab9s1RRpueZN2XxTM3vDWEHcmsMoEMW3YYsbGUwQSrNDfgMKVV8GAofToNfyiBwocDYzwY5pjpsMB7MY8v4tkDU71oWpDC" is a Monero's wallet address.

ELF file In-depth Analysis:

Analyzing ELF file I was able to retrieve more information about malware's type, its author and the URLs reached out.

Who create this software have nickname "fireice-uk", below there is a screenshot of his github's account.

Also was possible to retrieve URL that are contacted by this miner

Checking domain owner, like in a fairy tail, website is liked to the Miner's developer (Fireice-UK)

Malware's developer embedded the miner developed by "fireice-uk". If the two person are different, why malware's developer have to use and include a miner developer my another person?

Below you can find evidence about matching between information extracted from ELF's file and source code created by "fireice-uk".

In my opinion who developed malware and miner could be the same person.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

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Retrieve Personal Information using Boarding Pass Published on Social Networks

This article want to be a POC (Proof of Concept) about how an attacker with bad intention could use your pictures published into Social Networks to retrieve information about you.

Are you readyyyyy?? ...Here we goooo!!

In the last days I discovered a Web Site that works like an OCR, it can reads the content of a Barcode Image uploaded. Barcodes type supported are:

  • Code 39, 
  • Code 128, 
  • PDF417, 
  • Barcode Postal (IMB, 4state), 
  • QR code, 
  • DataMatrix Barcode, a
  • Driver License, 
  • ID cards Barcode.

I started joking with different pictures that I found on different social networks, during my jokes I have been captured by a boarding pass' picture.

I decided to use it and try to identify the content of the barcode printed in it.

The first test failed, the second had the same result and then I decided to change Social Network. My first idea has been Instagram.

I looked for "boarding pass" using hashtag (#boardingpass) and I received more than 60.000 results.

I decided to focus my test on the picture reported below (it is censored for clear reason).

I copied the barcode, I saved it and then upload it on the website...I waited just 2 seconds and Bhoooommm! Data was reported into the web page:

  • Name's passenger,
  • Surname's passenger,
  • PNR code, 
  • Departure place, 
  • Destination place, 
  • flight's number and so on...

Reading these data, came back in my mind my last trip and the email received from the flight's company. If I remember well, its contents was a PNR code and other flight's information...I checked my mail box and luckily I have not had deleted it!! It was still there! :)

The flight's company sent to me a PNR code in order to use it, in association with other personal data, to give me the opportunity to do Check-In, Checks my booking and so on.

So, absolutely you have just in your mind what had been in my mind after my little learn.
Yes, it is right! I'd like to retrieve more personal information about this person from flight's company web site. Well, I will try!

...But, what is the flight company's names? From the boarding pass' pictures was hard to retrieve it and I decided to use the information inside the barcode to achieve my goal. Into the barcode's data the third part contains information about flight, I putted them into google flights website and...Bhhoooommm!! I retrieved a list of flight's companies that make this route.

The next step was easy, I checked the web site of the company in order to find the area where I can check booking.

The web page showed a form where PNR, Name and Surname were required. Doh! I need a Name and Surname of this person...I decided to come back to Instagram in order to retrieve info about this person.

It was not a hard work, the person has as "account's name" his name and surname.

OK, now I had everything I needed, I inserted the data and... (look by your self!).

Into the web page is reported everything, (Name, surname, ticket's price, date, etc.)

This is only a demonstration about how much is dangerous to publish your pictures on social network!! It is not a way to force someone to perform dangerous and illegal acts!!!